Friday, February 24, 2006

Toys! I got TOYS!

Not only I'm getting big but I also got toys! I love two things the most right now, not counting my gym mat with dancing bird, monkey and tiger (thanks Laurie!!)

But Mom and Dad got me this cool seat called the Bumbo seat! They got me green because they said I look good in sage green (and dashing in baby blue). It's a cool styrofoam or plastic thingy where I sit in it with my mom holding my neck because I'm still flexing my muscles there you see. Anyway, my Mom does the best thing, she makes sure the Bumbo seat and I are facing our ultra-HUGE mirror in the bathroom. When I am comfortably seated there, she'd make funny expressions and weird baa baa, aroo and poo poo noises... and the thing with her tongue that sorta scares me but makes me laugh with sick fascination.

Anyway, I'd laugh and laugh, heaving my chest and make squealing noises when I'm sitting in my Bumbo seat and watching Ma go all bonkers!! Here's a picture of me in my lime green Bumbo seat:


[[see my Ma's hands? She is lovingly supporting my neck]]

And here's a pix of the two of us, isn't she pretty?!?! I sure lucked out with a beautiful Mama and a handsome Papa!


[[see how big that mirror is?!?1 the picture doesn't show the remaining 3/4 of it, wow huh???]]

AND my second favorite toy: the colorful set of keys!! It makes loud rattling noises. Altho it sounds better when it's in my parent's hands... for me, I sorta still don't get it. My Mom made me hold it and I'd just wait and wait for it to make noises. But today I believe I gained an IQ or two when I shook my arm and HEARD that thing rattle!! I was overjoyed. Fortunately, my picture-snappy-crazy Mom documented everything:

Here's me looking confused, what do I do with the color set of keys in my hands??


I jiggle it with my mighty arm and am instantly struck with pleasing realization, I gotta shake it to make those funny noises and the lights start flashing (well, methinks my Ma manually flicks them on and off every time I shake the keys... she's clever huh?)


Now, can you see, I'm looking a lot more smarter than I did a second ago.


Yay! Okay, I better stop and start playing with more toys... However, there is one favorite toy of mine and that would be, my parent's expressions!!! Tee hee.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I'm a big 1 1/2 months old wee lad! (6.3 weeks)

Well, my age may be trivial comparing to some of you who're already 72 years old but... I sure feel much older than I did last week!

I've started eating more heartily as well as I'm awake at longer hours. I amuse my parents, easily, when I grin. All I got to do is toss my head back and throw a gummy laugh and my parents virtually melt! It doesn't matter if I poop a lot and peed on my mama twice today, I still make her super happy! I'll be sure to smile everyday just to make her day, you know, she did work really hard getting real fat and carrying me around.

I lifted my head and pushed a wee bit off of my chest and my mom started clapping her hands in joy. I don't know, it's just a head lift and a mini push up but apparently, that's a major milestone for me to accomplish. Whoopi doo, wait until she sees what can I do next week!! I sure grow fast and am outgrowing my young outfits... I'm already wearing 3 months old pj's (although they're a tad bit loose).

Since I'm MUCH older (notice the emphasis?), I get to go out more. We went to the SFMOMA museum in SF last Saturday. I had loads of fun!! One floor had exhibitions that were all linear with contemporary art galore--

like this: archabstrations_eberle

I stared and stared for hours until I think my head hurt. I wailed and my parents got the hint and whisked me away. We rode on this loud train called BART and it's gentle rocking sensations rocked me to sleep, with little efforts.

I got to hang out with my cousins all weekend long and they found me adorable, you know? It's true.


[[in this picture, Kerjsen, Kortney and Mama at the museum, here's me in the Mayan wrap... I'm staring at the fascinating artworks]]

Mom, Dad and I took some family pictures- most of the time Mom tried making me smile and this time I think all I wanted was milk... but anyway, I think I look adorable. I'm wearing this special sweater that my Grandma C made with her OWN hands. Isn't it nifty? Also, I love my booties! Thanks Keri O!



See? I'm frantically trying to root my mom's cheek, how embarrassing!


Here's a cool picture of Daddy and me, I'm in the Snugli carrier thing. I don't like riding in it when Mama carries me, only she can use the Mayan wrap and Dad can use the Snugli. Look at my head, pathetic huh? They need practice. But anyway, it gives me great support to happily stare at the lights on the ceiling.


Here I am with one of my cousin, Kerjsen... I live near 8 other cousins!! I'm lucky and all of them also know sign language... yay! Look in the back, that's my Auntie Liz with the weird looking hat on her head, my Mom uses the same hat when she's done showering. They look dorky but it sure does make me laugh!


I'm trying to have a conversation with my other cousin, Jahren as my Auntie Cat is holding me. Jahren kept telling me that I was a cool boy and that it was good to be excited (you see, I kept kicking my legs and throwing him the gummy grins.. man, elders are easy to please).


Here's me with my Ma, see me smiling? All my Dad has to do is look goofy behind the camera which is a natural thing for him.


Another picture of Ma and me, we're in Starbucks where I also hung out with my Auntie Cat. I think Starbucks is very smelly and the smell gets stuck on you for hours.



p.s. I had my hearing test and I "passed" with a B average... to mince it into simple words... I'm Deaf just like my parents, yey!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Pictures galore

Well, I wanted to share pictures, I think I am too cute for my photos to be stored and hidden away in some folder on my mama's trusty iBook!!


Here's me smiling, can't you tell, I'm gonna be a heartbreaker!!


I'm sleeping and my mom, who couldn't stop taking pictures, snapped this... I'm right by my older sister, Zeus... she will hate me later when I start crawling around and yanking her tail, hee hee


Me on my daddy, he burps me real well, better than mom could, he also wears those burp cloths in case I decide to spit up on him, which I really don't do often.

Alright, well.. I think I have charmed you all enough.


Monday, February 13, 2006

My Life As A One Month Old

It’s been 5 weeks since I came out of my womb. So far life has been easy and great. Whenever I am hungry, my parents are at my whim, all I have to do is put my hand in my mouth and suck away; they will immediately come to heed my needs. Well, I have to admit, my parents don’t serve me right away at nighttime, some time I have to wail to make the light flasher blink crazily in order to get my parent’s attention. Fortunately, that does not happen often. However, my parents love to change my diapers and they wipe me well with a lot of gentle efforts. I don’t have to clean myself up, like I said life has been great. I wake up whenever I want to in the morning. I have the best entrainment in front of me, my mom, who is so animated and makes a lot of funny noises. I often laugh and smile at her. She never stop talking to me, she would tell me many things that I need to know to prepare myself ahead for my life. She would talk to me for hours and hours. By around near noon, I go to the gym mat. I like to exercise my neck. I’m lifting my head several times, I get worn out easily from that. After such an exhausting exercise, I drink my meal that seems to never stop coming from my mama. Sometimes during the rest of the day, I love to observe those brilliant blinds that cover the window. The vertical lines are so fascinating; the shades between the blinds are artistically appealing. I cannot get enough of it. Usually, around 4 PMish my dad comes home, he would tell me about his day at work or about current event news. Some stuff is too complicated to understand, but he gets to feed me through a baby bottle and I love staring at my papa. It’s a nice change after seeing my mom’s face practically all day and night! I think I look like my daddy, and he’s one heck of a good-looking dude. Anyway, I don’t mind the bottle, it’s easier and less work to receive the milk… Ooh my favorite part of the night is when they turn on the lights in our home. I love to look at those lights. I never get bored from looking at them, heck I have my own personal light show by my crib with funny looking fishes swimming in circles and great musical tunes. Well, I told you, life is great for me :)

hugs, Eitan

Here's a cute me in my fabulous outfit from my Aunt Cat... and you can tell, I'm lovingly gazing at the window's blinds!

blinds lover

My mom and her 100000th smooches, sometimes I suspect she fights her urge to eat me!

a smooch

Me exercising my neck, see how exhausting it can get to be...


My daddy tried to dress me up and I resulted in looking like Shrek trapped in hell! But I had fun with it though:
