Thursday, June 28, 2007

Updating for Aunty Cat

Hi Aunty, I promised you I'd update but I'm soo sorry, I don't have any pictures to post.

We moved to a new apartment and I'm so loving it because it's big and I got my own room, which is green by the way. We live right by an East Bay Park so that means, whenever I sign, "duck water bird fly walk" my parents whiz me away to the trails. The other day my Parents and I walked for two whole hours, we saw ducks, goose, rabbits, turtles, trains and rocks, a lot of rocks. The turtles were swimming at the quarry lakes and I didn't go near the lakes because I think they are dirty (Mom says they aren't but I insisted that they were).

I've been a sucker for this new (and huge) TV my Parents got altho, they only allow me to watch it in the mornings. I watch Planet Earth with so much devotion-- I love how the fledging owls practice their first flight off the world tallest trees, the Redwoods. I also enjoy seeing the Kodkod cat and the rare (endangered) Leopards of Russia. I especially adore seeing white ice cream all over the trees, oh how I wish I could spend my lazy days licking it all off.

Anyway, it is so nice having my Parents home every day but I miss my Uncles, Aunts, Grandma, Grandpa and my Cousins. Most of them are out of town or busy. Lately, I've been asking for Grandma (gramamamama), Poppie (popoo), Uncle John (Uncle Clown), Itchie Bird (Uncle John's new bird)... even for Mally, Jahren and Aaaa Cat! I get to see Uncle Kurt sometimes but not enough.

Oh yea, soon I'll be a year old and a half! I definitely will post pictures with that... I'll be at one of Mama's favorite childhood place, Booneville, for a wedding.

Until then, enjoy summer, soak in the nature you have around you and give every one a hug and a loud mwah!


Friday, June 15, 2007

Explorer, Avid Reader and Darn Cute

Books and books. I used to be crazy for trains (I still am) but right now, it's books all the WAY.

I'd grab a book, give it to Ma or Pa... as they start signing, I'd run and get another book- they'd drop the first one, read the recent one I got and in mid-sentence of the first page, I bolt to get another.

Mom says our life span is not even enough for all the good books there are out there. That's depressing! I hope I at least read a third of what's out there.

Anyway-- I'll be posting pictures and then movies! Long over due ones and methinks you'll love them.

But first, here's a picture of Mom. I'm posting Mom in this thread because all I want, lately, is her. I cling onto her with my dear life if someone threatens to take me away. I don't care if you're my cool aunty, my fun papa or my spoiling grandma, all I want is my M O M. She comforts me, and makes me feel safe even though I can feel her urging me to go and be brave. I'll be braver Ma, when I'm a teenager however, for now, I think I'll stick to your legs, thank you very much.


Mommy and me.


Me and Mommy's trusty legs.

Well, Aunty Cat and Daddy get special privileges but not when Ma's around. Here's a picture of Aunty Cat and her loving touch:


Aaargh, not the head!

We went to a birthday party and I got to hang out with kids MY age. It was fun but I still think hanging out with my OLDER cousin Jahren rocks.


Me with Giovanni-- he's gonna be 1 in August. A good lookin' kid eh? The child in midair is Tyler-- it was his 1 year old birthday party. He slept through most of it! Dude, that's a cool skill.


I'm always talking and Gio's always listening.


What? I'm cute, right? Actually, I'm trying to take off my ROOOOO BOT shoes.


Forget it, I'll just leave them alone.

Anyway, books.


Reading with Mom. Mom or Dad always read with me every night and now it's almost most of the time during the day. I do have my few favorites and you'll see them through the video.


Reading the Dinosaur book, one of my favorite.

My Parents are now on vacation, yahoo!! Although I'll miss being with Aunty Cat, Uncle Kurt, Mally and Jahren. Here's a series taken by Aunty Cat and I'll dub it as, "the curious explorer treks"


Life is full of possibilities, we must always explore to keep on learning (with the help of lights)


Enough talking, let's go.


Ba ba bum bum *whistles a tune, or two*


Ah ha!! Jackpot! Toys to play with!

That's that for the photos section now onto the.... *drum roll*

MOVIES! Grab some popcorn and soda, be sure not to snort it through your nose tho.

Mom and me reading together, the Dinosaur book.

Here's me telling one of my favorite story to Dad, "A Duck Stuck in the Muck" It's really hilarious and Mom tells it really well.

And here's me absolutely battling to the very end in a feeble attempt to avoid taking a bath without Mom.

hope you enjoyed yourselves and have a fabulous summer!

Eitan, over and out.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Pictures Overload Warning

Hi! Yea I know, long time no see. Life has been fabulous so far and I'm enjoying every second I can because I'm told it's too short.

I'm still growing, I talk in phrases and today I can count from 1 to 5-- although saying 3 and 4 is difficult so I just skip them "oooneee, twwwooo... five!" hee hee

Mom and Aunty Cat celebrated their 30th birthday last week and they celebrated it twice which means, they got more than enough cake, ice cream and fun. Lucky for me, I could fully participate too :-D

Also I met Great Uncle Dale, Grandma Cassidy's brother. He's really nice and I hope he moves here to the West Coast like Great Aunty Mary Gayle (Poppie's sister). We ate dinner at my Grandparent's home- look how I literally ate the plate clean.




Licking is the best way to savour each taste, ask Ma!


Yum! Spaghetti rocks.

My Grandma was babysitting a friend's dog, a hyper doggie, and I had fun playing with it. We played through the window and here are the pictures of me teasing that giddy dog.


Come here! I wanna kiss you!





I enjoy cars, trains and planes. You all already know this. Here's a series of me with my cars. I usually do this every morning or night-- or when I finally come home from a long day out.


See? Cars are mediating, especially how the wheels turn. I like experimenting the terrains by having the wheels run over smooth surfaces, rocky ones and even wildly bumpy (the best bumpiest ride they can get is on a blanket).

Great Uncle Dale visited Aunty Cat's home and it was wild there. We danced to music and played games, MY GAMES, where everyone would freeze when I asked them to. It's fun seeing that I had some kind of power over the adults, hee.


Everybody, clap your hands!


Now put your arms over your head!


FREEZE!! (see Uncle Dale behind me?)


We took a break, Jahren gave me carrots (he's signing carrots to me). I tasted it then spit it out, I hate veggies.


The dancing fun began with Aunty Cat and Mom... Mally, Me then it gradually became almost all of us.


Wheee!! Uncle Dale looks on.


We formed into a circle and danced, danced and danced all evening long.

As we all winded down, I heard sirens and was telling Uncle John that the sirens was outside.




Finally, I love love my Cousins. I especially love to wrestle with Jahren, he's SOOO funny.


First, he tickles me nearly to death and I'm trying to gasp for air.


"crying" (I was telling Jahren that I was crying but what I meant was I couldn't stop laughing)


Jahren then lets me topple him with my mighty strengths.


I'm Hercules!


Aaaaah! hee hee heeee *insert belly laughs here*


Now, my turn!

See, he's barrels of fun.

Ok, I had a long day and wanna nap before another long evening.

til then!