Sunday, December 21, 2008

Brothers, School Visits, The Jumpy, Promotion and Holidays


Hey AJ!!



elk talking

I love being a big brother to Aidan. He is easily amused by me when riding in the back of the car together.

Here's a self portrait I drew:

elk portrait

Pretty good huh?

I got to hang out with Gio, my "play share" friend. I also have another friend, Jevon, who I've nicknamed "discuss" friend. When I play with Gio, we run around, fight and share but when I'm with Jevon, we talk and read books.


Here's Gio and I in his house, I have a similar one at home. We love playing in it together because Mommy "doesn't" see us.


And I thought I was overly affectionate with Aidan. Gio took the cake.


Believe it or not, as big as Gio is when comparing to Eitan, he's much more gentler than elk!

elk talking


Anyway- we celebrated Thanksgiving AND Jahren's 8th birthday at our new home. There were loads of people and I had a lot of fun. Jahren got a new Wii and I gave him a game for us to play together (Hot Wheels).


Daddy took me to the Train Expo and there were many mini train tables and cars too.


I got to "control" the train by pushing a lever.


Cars, I cannot get enough of them. Dad told me we weren't getting one but that it was okay to "look" at them. So, I put my hands in my pocket and looked ever so wistfully. Didn't work, I went home empty handed.

However at home, I've got plenty of toys.


Playing with Lego Thomas Train Set, I built the set all by myself.



I embellished the bridge with Cars stickers.

I didn't stop there...



Cool beans??



elk talking

So... where was I? Oh yes.

One night as Mommy and Daddy played Wii, assuming I was fast asleep in my own bed, I decided to be mischievous and snuck into their bed. I put on Aidan's hat and I waited... waited... and waited.


This is what Mom and Dad found in their bed when they finally came.

One night we had our fireplace lit and I ate tons of chocolate:


"What?" as Mom snaps a picture of me eating too much chocolate.


Haha, that was funny. You had chocolate smeared all over your face. As for me, I laid on Mommy and we all enjoyed the fire Dad built.


Cozy and warm with Mommy. Can't beat that.


Well, then it got really cold, really. I was bundled up and barely could see out of my clothes. People thought I was cute in that brown thingy but seriously dude, I miss summer already.

We went to school a lot to pick Eitan up as well as visit Daddy during his lunch breaks. I enjoy watching Eitan play on the trike.


elk talking

Yeahhh, I finally could pedal that big thing all by meself!!


I also do side visits with Grandma, I love going to her corner of the world- it's usually filled with candies and surprises!


I also love visiting grandma :) Anyway...


Here's Eitan hitching a ride on my limo.

Mom got a new camera, she tried out the self-timer and well, it had too many features she said. Here's a series of us trying to get a family picture in Daddy's classroom




Somebody here likes brown, eh?

When Eitan's at school, Mommy gets to stay home with me. I enjoy those moments because her attention is undivided.


I always get excited and my body does weird reflexes when Ma looks at me and goes, "whaaat?" My back arches up and I have this silly grin I cannot control.


"Yea Mom!! More PLEASE!"


Then she worn me out.

elk talking

Speaking of cold weather, we went to a small party at Aunt Cat's flat and they had a festival on the street. I got to play this cool game. Someone asked me if I liked baseball, I replied "no, I like curling!"


Waiting for my turn.


Get set, go!


Whee! I won a toy but it was too babyish for me. So, I gave it to Aidan.

We also celebrated Festival of Lights at my school. Mom, Dad and Aidan came and we did all kinds of activities.


Daddy holding Aidan as we watched classmates giving a show about different culture's celebrations


I also got to play with fake snow but it felt real! I stayed there for quite some time.


Okay, as Eitan had his fun at school, I also found a new activity I cannot get enough of. My Jumpy Glee!



It also rocks when I have my Wacky Spider, which tastes real good by the way, with me.




I could stay here forever and ever.


And Eitan enjoys watching me. He tells me to jump or to stop... he also claps when I follow his commands. I try to clap too you know but that requires a new set of skills I need to master.

Okay, I want to say this, Eitan is a big brother of mine and I am so proud to have him as MINE. He takes care of me (still has his squeezing moments) and makes sure I am okay. He doesn't like it when I cry and if I do, he'd quickly be by my side and talk to me or try to tickle me. Anyway, I am so proud to announce that Eitan is no longer a toddler, he has been promoted. He moved from Toddler's class into pre-school last Thursday!

elk talking

Thanks aj, you rock too. You're fun to watch :)


Here I am at class, my last class with the infants. I now am a big boy. In this picture I am telling my classmate, Diego, to look because his mama just walked in.


I sit here all excited knowing about moving up.


I sat with Holly, my "former" teacher as we sat in a circle. I know all this excitement is because of me.


"who's gonna be 3 soon??" Michele asks and Holly looks at me. I, of course, raised my arm and said "me!!"


We had some cheesy moments but I had to say good bye to Cassie. I really loved her and she always let me help her put toys away. I'm her personal little helper.


I made frames for my 4 teachers. Holly got the one I made all by myself, the others were helped by Ma. I thought Holly would love it. She sure did, she cried! In that frame there's a picture of me with the silly glasses on and it says, "thank you for letting me be me." I'll miss Holly.


Grandma, Daddy and Aidan also came (with Mom of course, the lady behind the camera).


I've moved into pre-school and rejoined my classmates, who I've missed sorely... Landen and Shaelyn.


Family picture of me on my one of many big days. See how much I love Aidan?

And while we are at it:


Have a great winter's break!!

Eitan and Aidan


At 6:25 AM, Blogger Keri said...

Aww, what a GREAT update! I always love reading what Eitan and Aidan are up to! Happy Holidays to you all, too! I will be updating my soon as I finish with the final grades for my students. =P Hugs, mwah!

At 10:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

:) you say its getting harder to blog and ia gree. you are more dedicated but then again, its your boys that are doing the talking!

i love the holiday card. how do you make it?

At 11:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOVE it!! sooo cute.. wow, gio has grown a lot.. yes, he's very affectionate around babies.. soo cute!!

Thanks for sharing... def put a HUGE smile on my face. :-D

wow, eitan now in pre-school! landen def grew a lot!

looking forward to see you sooon..willbe flying up north tmw! xo



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