Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I'm a big 1 1/2 months old wee lad! (6.3 weeks)

Well, my age may be trivial comparing to some of you who're already 72 years old but... I sure feel much older than I did last week!

I've started eating more heartily as well as I'm awake at longer hours. I amuse my parents, easily, when I grin. All I got to do is toss my head back and throw a gummy laugh and my parents virtually melt! It doesn't matter if I poop a lot and peed on my mama twice today, I still make her super happy! I'll be sure to smile everyday just to make her day, you know, she did work really hard getting real fat and carrying me around.

I lifted my head and pushed a wee bit off of my chest and my mom started clapping her hands in joy. I don't know, it's just a head lift and a mini push up but apparently, that's a major milestone for me to accomplish. Whoopi doo, wait until she sees what can I do next week!! I sure grow fast and am outgrowing my young outfits... I'm already wearing 3 months old pj's (although they're a tad bit loose).

Since I'm MUCH older (notice the emphasis?), I get to go out more. We went to the SFMOMA museum in SF last Saturday. I had loads of fun!! One floor had exhibitions that were all linear with contemporary art galore--

like this: archabstrations_eberle

I stared and stared for hours until I think my head hurt. I wailed and my parents got the hint and whisked me away. We rode on this loud train called BART and it's gentle rocking sensations rocked me to sleep, with little efforts.

I got to hang out with my cousins all weekend long and they found me adorable, you know? It's true.


[[in this picture, Kerjsen, Kortney and Mama at the museum, here's me in the Mayan wrap... I'm staring at the fascinating artworks]]

Mom, Dad and I took some family pictures- most of the time Mom tried making me smile and this time I think all I wanted was milk... but anyway, I think I look adorable. I'm wearing this special sweater that my Grandma C made with her OWN hands. Isn't it nifty? Also, I love my booties! Thanks Keri O!



See? I'm frantically trying to root my mom's cheek, how embarrassing!


Here's a cool picture of Daddy and me, I'm in the Snugli carrier thing. I don't like riding in it when Mama carries me, only she can use the Mayan wrap and Dad can use the Snugli. Look at my head, pathetic huh? They need practice. But anyway, it gives me great support to happily stare at the lights on the ceiling.


Here I am with one of my cousin, Kerjsen... I live near 8 other cousins!! I'm lucky and all of them also know sign language... yay! Look in the back, that's my Auntie Liz with the weird looking hat on her head, my Mom uses the same hat when she's done showering. They look dorky but it sure does make me laugh!


I'm trying to have a conversation with my other cousin, Jahren as my Auntie Cat is holding me. Jahren kept telling me that I was a cool boy and that it was good to be excited (you see, I kept kicking my legs and throwing him the gummy grins.. man, elders are easy to please).


Here's me with my Ma, see me smiling? All my Dad has to do is look goofy behind the camera which is a natural thing for him.


Another picture of Ma and me, we're in Starbucks where I also hung out with my Auntie Cat. I think Starbucks is very smelly and the smell gets stuck on you for hours.



p.s. I had my hearing test and I "passed" with a B average... to mince it into simple words... I'm Deaf just like my parents, yey!


At 11:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha :) i LOVE this. Im not sure if i am supposed to talk to eitan but will just say the style of writing is brilliant. espeically about the towel thing. (lol)

thanks, and keep bringing Eitan's perspective to us. (lol abt the rooting picture)


At 8:58 PM, Blogger Laural said...

aww I love Eitan pictures!

At 7:48 PM, Blogger Janis said...

Hey there Eitan.. You look sooo cute! I bet you'll grow up to be a handsome guy!

Eitan's mom, I read ur comment on Keri's blog... My Raine rarely spit up the first few weeks until probably when she was 3 or 4 months old, she started to spit up more. I dont know why, I guess it's part of growing up :) When I started to feed her solid food (I wanted to wait longer but she was too hungry, demanding more food than what my boobs could offer), she doesnt spit up as much anymore. So maybe Eitan will not be spiting up much at all, or maybe he will spit up more later.. Every babies are different. Anyhoo, Raine's crying in her crib, I better go to her.

Hugs and kisses to Eitan!


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