Monday, June 19, 2006

Happy Father's Day, Dad

Daddy-- I wanted to make you a blog to say happy special day to you. Here are the pictures that has something to do with us, nobody else.


When I came out of Mama, the world was a scary place and the Big Nurse whisked me away from her-- making it even harder. But, you were right there the whole time, never leaving my side.


Remember when you got me stuck and looking like Shrek?


Whenever we shopped, you always held me.


You took me out for walks whether it be getting mails, Starbucks or a stroll outside-- it was always you [Mama is sorta lazy].


You proudly wore dorky shirt to match my dorky outfit.


It doesn't matter if I poop, pee or puke on you, you'd laugh and find it funny-- even 3 in the morning or when I pooped on your fresh working shirt... remember that Dad? I made you late for work.


Or, how about the time when you got my diapers backwards and I peed everywhere? You sure made Mama laugh with tears that day!

I look forward to more days like these with you because you're a fun Dad who also loves and cares for me in a very special way. So, to give you thanks, I decided to give you two things:

1) Framed pictures of me with a tiny note and saying "D-A-D"



2) Sitting up for the first time:


Ah, what can I say but say, I Love You Daddy!!!!! Yer the best!


Friday, June 16, 2006

I have lots to share!

Okay, whoever said a lot could happen in a week... man, kudos to that person because it SURE did.

I have learned how to scoot around (mere inches); I've met a girl and become quick friends with her; I got to get a taste of rice cereal; I've held my own bottle; I got to nap outside; I copy my silly Daddy when he slap his knees and jump...

I have pretty much sum up what has been happening. Now to illustrate those events, allow me to bestow you with pictures and captions.

But first, I want to share you my first script ever created. I hope you enjoy and are able to envision a great screen play based on a true story.

"When Eitan Met Chloe"


Eitan: "Look, I got fat lips, great for kissing..."
Chloe: "OMG! You're SO full of yourself!!"


Eitan: "Slurp slurp"
Chloe: "Mommy!!!"


Eitan: "Now I know why my Mommy says I am bald!"
Chloe: "Hey! Hands off!"


Eitan: "I wants me some feets! [women are so easy to tease!]"
Chloe: "Alright, this is getting tiresome, Mom, can we bathe? My feet is now all yucky!"


Eitan: "Look Chloe, even your Mama thinks I am cute!"
Chloe: "That's because my Mom is a sucker, not me!"


Eitan: "Now how often can a 5 months old say he has bathed with a pretty lady his age? [winks]"


Can you see a standing ovation with a golden oscar coming my way soon?

Now let me set some "romance" aside and talk about something equally important: food! I've been trying to tell my Ma and Pa that I am ready for REAL food. They think I ought to wait a little more until I hit 6 months mark since they said it had something to do with my digestive system. Mama says I sleep through the night without feeding for hours and hours so, she thinks I am fine without real food. May be I should feign hunger in the wee hours? Hmm. But anyway, I don't want to start fooling my Parents just yet until I am a teen, hee hee.

Alright. My Parents wanted to see how I would fare with a spoon feeding experience and well, I think I passed with flying colors.

My Ma mixed rice cereal with those sweet milk made by Mama... she said she made it runny since it was my first time. Watch how I was with the feeding.

First time with the spoon and runny cereal


I got tired of waiting for my Parents to feed me so I grabbed the spoon and demanded for more!


See, I can do it.


After sampling such fine meal, I had a "Mommy Chaser" as my Mom called it-- drinking the real thing, that is, milk. Also, can you see, I'm holding my own bottle all by myself!


Also, when Mama or Papa eats, they do share me the hard and cold stuff that holds their food and drink. I especially love that clear cool thingy they drink from.



Here's a short flick created by me called "Feeding Time"

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And, one more movie called "Copy Cattin'' Isn't the title cool? I thought of it myself. It is a Documentary of my developing skills that seem to rapidly grow as each day goes. I'm copying my funny Dad... when he jumps, I try to jump with my arms and legs... also when he slap his knees, I slap mine too! Enjoy.

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I hope you have enjoyed this novelish blog because I think I tired myself out just by talking this much. Until then folks!


Over and out,

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

A 'Sup of Me

Hi! It has been ages since I've blogged. Sorry ladies and gents, life has been a whir with my Nanny who takes me everywhere and my Parents, who also take me everywhere. Like last weekend we went to this old town called Niles and caught sight of Charlie Chaplin. We rode a train, watched old silent flicks (that I so loved) and even got to eat pizza.

I've been growing lots. I still roll a little bit and am in no hurry to crawl, it is my excuse for my Parents to cuddle with me when they pick me up. I always raise my arms and reach for them-- every time I do that, my Parents, Nanny and Relatives would shine me their huge grin, something about me wanting them makes their day! Like I said, them folks are easy to amuse.

I love to laugh, blow raspberries, suck my thumb, ponder as I seriously analyze my surroundings. Things are slowly making sense! Like the Fishies I love, I can reach them with my feet not my temporarily short arms and I know where the Bath water comes from, it comes out from this really NEAT silver mouth thingy and makes loud roaring sounds as the water falls.

I also know that I can do this body pants with grunting noises to say I don't like this... I also blow raspberries to tell someone to pick me up as well as I furrow my eyebrow when I feel really mad! Good thing I get mad not so often!

Anyway, enough blahs, here are some pictures (thanks Nanny Cat) and movies (thanks to Keri O for the video blog site!). Enjoy:

Here's me blowing raspberries:

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Here's me doing my outstanding roll (well this one was a feeble one, I can do better than that...):

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Pictures from my Niles day with Nanny Cat, Cousin Mally, Jahren and Jahren's friend, Kaliska and her Mom Heather as well as Mama! In this picture, I am with Charlie Chaplin! Mom said he wasn't the real one and that he looked like he was melting beneath all those makeup and the hot sun. Doesn't matter to me, I thought that the Fake Charlie was very very funny, hee.

[see me trying to steal the cane?]


Mama held me most of the time that day, she also wore this huge hat from Daddy for her birthday. The hat is fabulous because it protects me from the sun. Well, that day it was way windy which is why I got my mouth wide open in protest to the wind. I love the air but not when it blows with such fury making me confused and frustrated.


Nanny Cat took me to a park with my Cousin Jahren's class. I loved the sandlot the most!! Fascinating, I swear. It's amazing that the sand takes an ever changing form and never looks the same. It is exactly how I feel about my fun-filled life so far.


I'm wearing this cute bear suit from Nanny Cat in June, imagine? It was COLD in California, even if it was HOT the weekend before. We gotta do something about our continual global warming! Anyway, enough political talks, here's a cutie patootie me:


Here's me being cute as ever during my tummy time.


I rarely stay on my stomach because I just don't like it. I love being on my back like this:


I feel that I get to see some more that way. So far life has been happening at the low ends of the world, that is, floor. Also, it has been a high floating top, that is, tall Mama, Nanny and Papa holding me when they traverse around this quaint Earth.

I think I've rambled enough through the forest of fascination and hope to catch you all up more frequent those coming days since my Mom and Dad will start their summer break this Friday! YAY!! I look forward to lazy mornings with me between my Parents on our bed, those are my favorite moments, especially when Mom and Dad are talking with each other and I get to watch them as the morning idly goes by.

Have a great summer ladies and gents, I know I sure will!
