Friday, May 19, 2006

Pictures taken by Nanny Cat

My Nanny loves to take pictures, especially with me because I'm a super photogenic boy.

I had loads of fun yesterday at the Art in the Park, where my Cousin Jahren got to show off his books and paintings. He even held me (methinks he did it just to impress the spectators) and you can tell how much he really loves me by him cleaning my drool!


Another picture of Mom and me in the Mayan Wrap:


Uncle John had his sunglasses on, I couldn't get enough of seeing a big face with two of mini-me staring at myself. I tell people I like them by reaching out and grabbing their hands or whatever closest.



I have a lot more pictures from the day I was born. Mom and Dad have been super busy and keep putting scanning off. When I get them up and running, you guys will be the first to know :)

Thanks Nanny Cat!! Love ya and I sure am glad you look just like my Ma!

A Cutie Patooie Eitan

Thursday, May 18, 2006

I do Zerberts (aka: blowfart, raspberries or pfffblt)


This is gonna be a special blog just for Mommie since it was her first Mommy's day ever. We went to this great park called Sunol for Mama's day. We got to hang out with my Nanny, Cousins and many other families. It was fun seeing little people (Mom calls them children) run around on the sandy shore. There was this huge river that flowed real fast and was ice cold. My Mommy thought it was funny to tip my toes in the river because I started doing the gaspy cry (that's when I say I don't like this at all!). All in all, it was a beautiful day. We went home early because it got way too hot there and there was no way I was going to let my Parents cool me off in the icy river.

Here's a picture of me and my Mom on Mother's day:


Me all by myself, trying to reach the camera:


My BIG feet in sand, it sure felt good and I wanted to touch it with my hands but Mama and Papa kinda said "ehh no!!" Because they say I'm some sort of an Oral Explorer:


Well... we left the park and when we got home, Mom took me out to our mini-courtyard and talked with me endlessly. She was quite goofy and kept doing the weird thing with her lips. She also kept getting her spit all over me when she "pffblt'd" at me.

After some quality time with my Mom, Dad took me and I decided that I wanted to be goofy too and pffblt'd my tongue with spit. I saw my Mom laugh and yelled for Dad to look... seeing her smile like that made me do it, nonstop. I think I'm a pro, I've been practicing it for few days now. I especially like to blow raspberries in the morning when I'm full of renewed energy. The only downside to doing zerberts is soaked shirts!!

Here's me doing an impersonation of my Mom:


Blowing raspberries is fun!! Especially when you get someone else's face wet, hee hee:


Well, my Mom told me that my zerberts were her best gift as a Mother's day besides all those things she got from Daddy. She says she loved the lipstick, the New Mom cards and flowers the most-- there were a lot more but I don't quite know what they're called. Anyway, I look forward to celebrating Dad's day and I think it's silly that they're only celebrated once a year! I think Mothers should get half and Fathers another half of the year everyday! Mom whispers to me, though, that she thinks Mama's day should be 364 days and Dad's day can be on the 365th. I think she's being funny... but she looked serious!

Here's a picture of Mom and I in the Mayan Wrap, I liked being snuggled up next to her, I love my Mom! Can you tell?

Clare and Eitan enjoy Jahren's art

Happy Mother's day to all the Mamas out there!


Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I can't wait for summer!

Summer is coming soon, I cannot wait because it will be all about Mom, Dad and Me (and Zeus)!! Daddy tells me that we're going to ride a big plane to the East coast and visit my other half of my Family. We all cannot wait!! I know Dad is exceptionally excited about eating some real pizza. Something about New York pizza being the best.

Well anyway, here are some pictures-- a picture from each month and it's self-explantory on how much I've grown, real fast.

Few Minutes Old


One Month Old


Two Months Old


Three Months Old


Four Months Old


Now for some snapshots from my weekend. We went to a baby shower and there were lots of babies my age!! I admit, I thought I was big but not until I saw myself with other babies, good riddance, I'm TINY!! Well, it's because I'm the youngest there though!!

I got to play with Sara, my Parent's co-worker's daughter. She's 3 months older and what a big flirt she was! All she wanted to do was to hold my hands and lick my head, yuck! Cooties! Although I think she's such a cutie patooie and her Mama kept stealing me away and charmed me to no end.

Here's Sara ever so sweetly holding my hands.


Another one of us:


Here's me with my favorite toy of the week, my feet! Seriously, that thing is totally awesome and I cannot wait to put it in my mouth.


All in all, it was a good weekend and I look forward to this weekend, when it's Mother's Day. I'm going to totally spoil my Mom!!


[thanks Ma, for loving me the way you do!!]

Eitan Lorcan, a big (but tiny) 4 months old boy

Thursday, May 04, 2006

A Milestone Accomplished!

I know I just posted a blog but I wanted to announce the world that I'm a bigger boy than I was yesterday! I rolled!! No, it was not a fluke, it was for real. My Parents couldn't believe their eyes and kept putting me back on my belly and I'd keep rolling back!

I don't think I need to describe how excited my Parents were.

Alright, I got some pictures to share from today :)


Here's Daddy changing my poo poo-- can you see how happy I am to see him? He and Mama are gone almost all day and when I see them, especially Dad, I tend to shake my arms and jerk my head backwards to show him on how excited I am. I also breathe fast and they call it panting. Sometimes I scream!


Here's a close up of my foot-- soft and plushy and really big (Mama says they're tiny, I politely disagree).


Here's me with my Nana, Aunty Cat. She's a fabulous Nanny!!


I'm smirking my cute smile (as Aunty Keri thinks is soooooo cute) because I'm between two good lookin' Mamas!


This is what I look like when I'm seriously pondering or analyzing the camera that's nearly in my face all the time.

Well, off I go to play with my feet, something I discovered recently... they're so much fun to play with!
