This is gonna be a special blog just for Mommie since it was her first Mommy's day ever. We went to this great park called Sunol for Mama's day. We got to hang out with my Nanny, Cousins and many other families. It was fun seeing little people (Mom calls them children) run around on the sandy shore. There was this huge river that flowed real fast and was ice cold. My Mommy thought it was funny to tip my toes in the river because I started doing the gaspy cry (that's when I say I don't like this at all!). All in all, it was a beautiful day. We went home early because it got way too hot there and there was no way I was going to let my Parents cool me off in the icy river.
Here's a picture of me and my Mom on Mother's day:

Me all by myself, trying to reach the camera:

My BIG feet in sand, it sure felt good and I wanted to touch it with my hands but Mama and Papa kinda said "ehh no!!" Because they say I'm some sort of an Oral Explorer:

Well... we left the park and when we got home, Mom took me out to our mini-courtyard and talked with me endlessly. She was quite goofy and kept doing the weird thing with her lips. She also kept getting her spit all over me when she "pffblt'd" at me.
After some quality time with my Mom, Dad took me and I decided that I wanted to be goofy too and pffblt'd my tongue with spit. I saw my Mom laugh and yelled for Dad to look... seeing her smile like that made me do it, nonstop. I think I'm a pro, I've been practicing it for few days now. I especially like to blow raspberries in the morning when I'm full of renewed energy. The only downside to doing zerberts is soaked shirts!!
Here's me doing an impersonation of my Mom:

Blowing raspberries is fun!! Especially when you get someone else's face wet, hee hee:

Well, my Mom told me that my zerberts were her best gift as a Mother's day besides all those things she got from Daddy. She says she loved the lipstick, the New Mom cards and flowers the most-- there were a lot more but I don't quite know what they're called. Anyway, I look forward to celebrating Dad's day and I think it's silly that they're only celebrated once a year! I think Mothers should get half and Fathers another half of the year everyday! Mom whispers to me, though, that she thinks Mama's day should be 364 days and Dad's day can be on the 365th. I think she's being funny... but she looked serious!
Here's a picture of Mom and I in the Mayan Wrap, I liked being snuggled up next to her, I love my Mom! Can you tell?

Happy Mother's day to all the Mamas out there!