I'm 3 months and a half! Well, who would have thunk it, I'm getting cuter by the minute [actually, seconds]!
The past two weeks have been busy and I'm going to try my best and stimulate my brain in recalling a very young 3 months old memory.
Remember I told you I had few more cousins to go? Well, I got to meet one more! I met my Cousin, Klaudia, for her birthday. Before getting there, I had to ride a ridiculously long ride! Good thing I was already sleepy and slept through most of it. When awake, my other two Cousins (Mally and Jahren) kept me entertained. I rode in my Aunty Cat's red van with my Grandma Cassidy (she was busy knitting), my Mom and the two wacky Cousins.
Mally and Jahren keeping me entertained with their expressions-- and I don't know why they find clapping their dirty looking shoes above their faces funny, but I sure did enjoy them!
Here's me riding in the Van. Can you see the results of a rainy month and half? The hills are so green and Mama says she's glad they're that pretty or she'd have gone bonkers from all the rain we got!! [see my best friend, Doggy? He always goes where I go].
We arrived at a Burger King where I was suddenly whisked away from my Mama and in the arms of many friendly strangers. I could see my Mom have this worry look by furrowing her eyebrow and eyeing wherever I went. I kinda relaxed her by laughing and smiling, like a silly social butterfly... so my Ma would just sit down and relax! I had a good time and I know I charmed the socks off of those ladies.
We then went to a skating rink, it was scary. Loud noises, dark and too many people were doing something weird going around and around in a large circle. I wailed and Mama covered my face and rocked me to sleep. When I woke up, I was still in that dark skanky place and I sure did not hold back my emotions to tell my Mom, Grandma and Aunty Cat that I wanted out. I did let my Cousin Klaudia hold me for a few minutes and my Mom took this picture-- can you see, I kinda look petrified [and the flashes did not help!]
We left and I cried the WHOLE time on the way back home and finally fell asleep 10 minutes before we got home. My Daddy was so happy to see me again and he help put me to sleep. I slept 12 hours straight and I think my Parents were a bit shocked. I hope they slept well that night and took advantage of it because I haven't been exactly a sleeper lately nor do I think I will.
After such a busy whirlwind weekend, I had a lot of sleep/naps.
[see Daddy being wise? He slept when I slept- something Mom needs to practice with]
Other than busying around, my Mom sometimes cries and I ask her why. She tells me that she gotta go back to work and will not see me for hours and hours. I know I will be fine and I will try my best to make my Mom feel better. I don't know why it is so hard for her, I'll be here and I'm not going anywhere. Oh well, she's a toughie but at the same time, such a mushy lady!! silly. When she looks sad or busy or severely sleep deprived, all I gotta do is do this:
She suddenly smiles, beams up and start acting silly to make me laugh more. Mom is so easy to cheer up!! Also, I did have a fair share of making my Mom exasperated. I've been pooping a lot and well, I'm much bigger therefore, my poop is bigger too!! I didn't like it when Mom took this picture but then, I'm sure I'll find this picture very funny when I show it to my future children.
[There was a time when I saw my Mom open mail and her eyes widened and she said something like "Holy!!" and said the water bill was high-- I wonder why?]
I've been standing up a lot with help, of course, and loving it. I still hate tummy time... I make it very clear to my Parents. Whenever they put me on my tummy, and make feeble attempts with putting Doggy or the mirror in front of me-- I simply lay my face flat and flail my arms/legs around and scream. I don't like it that they think it is important for me to do a mini-push up, I don't want to be some jock or muscular man!! But I think I've improved with my patience and move my head around and do some lifts (that sends my Parents into a cheering frenzy, woah nellie).
I got to surprise Daddy on his birthday by going over to his work and had Mexican lunch with him. My Aunt Cat was there also to surprise him. We all hung out in Daddy's classroom and ate. Daddy got to hold me and we had some serious man to man talk.
Dad and me talking about politics and aging on birthdays. My Daddy got two neat-o balloons from my Grandma Cassidy and he lets me play with them. They are loads of fun [with strict supervision, my Mom or Dad are always hovering above the balloons and making sure I'm not doing something I'm not supposed to do... hmm]
While visiting my Dad, I also got to watch my Cousin, Jahren, do a short play outside of their classroom. Grandma Cassidy, Aunty Cat, Lis, Mama and Uncle Kurt all watched Jahren. It was great!! I'm here with my Grandma Cassidy and Aunty Cat. It was my first time to be outdoors this long!!
Well-- after the birthday fun with Daddy, I had a horrible surprise that struck me and my Parents unexpectedly... a viral infection! I was so sick with high fever, diaherra that burnt my bum (owie) and I had to go to the hospital to get my blood drawn. Now, that WAS NOT FUN! Those incompetent nurses poked me with needles three times because the first two they couldn't find my vein. My Mom was real good, she kept holding me and finally, swooped me and nursed me while I got my last needle experience. My Dad was fabulous, you could see his nostrils flaring and his incredible restraint from knocking those nurses' lights out. After the whole thing was done, Daddy whisked me away and we both had our own special time where he rocked me to a secured sleep. Thank god I'm 3 months old because I'll forget ALL this.
I've been spending my last few days resting, eating, puking, pooping and resting. Today's the first time I got to be nearly naked as the sun kissed all over me. I fell asleep on my Mama's lap and all's well.
[notice my Mom's fly? tee hee]
I think that's it for now-- it is too pretty outside to be inside. Toodles!!
Eitan Lorcan "elk"