Sunday, April 02, 2006

3 months old: tired, cuter and smarter

I've been really busy the past few weeks! I just finished the 3 months old growth spurt that nearly drove my Mama insane. Me too though, I kept wanting to suck and eat every hour or two. Even through the nights, I kept waking up and wailing because the dark scared me and I wanted milk NOW! This absurdity lasted for more than 7 days and now I am happy to say, it's over! It's much better that way because when I go to sleep for the night, I have my fun with the fishies then when I wake up, it's bright and I'm not scared to wake up all by myself.

I've discovered that I can put my fingers into my mouth all by myself and suck without depending on that plastic thingy called "the paci". I also LOVE to stand up on my legs and when I am standing up, I beam and let out a coo of excitement.


I sing too, you know? It's so much fun to sing, especially to my yellow fish called "Ditzy":


There are other fishes but they don't excite me as much as this one does:


Isn't Ditzy cute? He always come back after going away for awhile... with all the musical blur and lights galore, I never fail to scream, yell and coo when Ditzy comes back into sight. When I have my fun with Ditzy, I usually do it like a regular clockwork (around 9pmish). My Parent's bedroom light flashes and the whole room is just... what's the word? A busy bling?

Here's the light that flashes when I make any loud noises:


Well. Aside from screaming at Ditzy, I also have my favorite toy called Doggy. I just love Doggy's eyes-- they're so "out there" that I just can't help it but be glued to his eyes. Doggy tends to be my toy when I have my special time called "tummy time". Mama and Papa says it's really important because it exercises my neck's muscles. Here you go, pictures of my tummy time with Doggy.

ME on my tummy-- sometimes when I flex my muscles, it causes my eyes to drift and become crossed-- I seriously need to work on that.


Here's me talking to Doggy, can you see his ears? Nifty eh?


My Mama took pictures with her fancy camera but Papa took the best with his pager:


Here's Doggy, see what I mean about the eyes?


My Mama is trying me out in my Mayan Sling because I wasn't so fond of it when I was much younger. Right now I kinda like it and I think Mom needs to practice wearing me some more :)


Last but not least, me with Daddy! We're wearing matching shirts, I know, I know... cheesy but you gotta love it.



Mama promised us that it was the first and last cheesy thing she'd "force" us to do... we'll see about that.

I've begun polishing up my skills on reaching and grabbing things that interests me. So far it is easiest to put my hands into my mouth without whacking my fingers into my nose or eyes. My favorite things to do right now are:

1) Play with Ditzy
2) Woof with Doggy
3) Watch Daddy talk to me
4) Sing with Mommy
5) Standing up with help
6) Smile a coy smile every time Mama looks at me
7) Drool. Hee hee.

Eitan Lorcan K. over and out!


At 8:58 PM, Blogger Janis said...

Wow.. you are growing so much Eitan! Pretty soon, you'll be discovering a lot more, and you'll keep on impressing your parents when you learn new things. Can you show Raine how to sleep though the night? Raine still wakes up once or twice during the night to eat. She needs someone that is her age to tell her that she shouldn't be hungry in the middle of the night. Tell Ditzy and Doggy hello for me.

At 1:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

:) ilove the pictures. (of course) they are really great. hope you can keep this up and if theres a next baby blogger contest. phft, you'd get the crown!

cute cute cute cute cute :)

At 4:11 PM, Blogger proudpetite said...

yea, Ditzy's cute. Isn't he a happy buddy to look at... and so is Doggy with his pop out eyes.

A next baby blogger contest? How do you feel about that, Eitan? I think you'd make a hot candidate for it :)

Can't get over your adorable face with beautiful eyes and the rising eyebrows :)

At 12:32 PM, Blogger Laural said...

omg - you're soooo cute!!!! you're so photogenic!

At 6:38 PM, Blogger Keri said...

Aren't you just the gosh-darnest cutest kid there is?!!! Other than me, of course. ;)

Love the matching tees! I'll ask Mama if she could get that for Daddy and me. =D

I love talking to my doggies too, real ones, that is. Hi to your doggy from my doggies!


At 8:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are too cute. Don't visit us, otherwise Sabine might steal you to keep as her little brother.

At 9:14 AM, Blogger The Skys said...

Thank you for your comments!

Raine: I went back to waking up every two hours or so, poor Mommy and Daddy. Last night i did sleep for 6 hours and that was refreshing for all of us!

Loch: I told my Doggy that your doggies said hello. He said awoof back!

Sabine: I think you're pretty cute yourself and you can try to steal me but I think I love my Mama and Papa way too much that stealing me won't be easy :-D

Connie: yah, lucky me that I look like Papa-- he's one good looking fellow.

Tammy: I hope I get to meet you! Mommy says you were the first person (even before Daddy) to know about me! You must be special to her and I hope I get to meet you!

Aunty Cat (the secretive writer): I also hope to join the next baby blog competition because I think I cutely rock!

Lore: thanks for the comments, tell your doggie London I said hello!

Til then!

At 10:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh EItan, you take my breath away you are so adorable. No grandma in the whole wide world ever was or ever could be more delighted with such an adorable baby as you. Ditzy and Doggie are cute too but it is you that steals the blog!!

I love you way past the ends of the earth.


Grandma Cassidy

At 7:16 PM, Blogger proudpetite said...

I was, and still am so very honoured to be the first other than your mom to know about you :)

I have to meet you :) No questions about it.


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