Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Volutneering and the big bump on my head

Here's the post I promised-- remember the packed sunday I had? I also had a busy Saturday. Mom and Dad wanted to do some good for the environment and decided to help pick up litter in the Don Edwards SF bay. It was a busy early morning (we went there before most of you probably had a cup of coffee) because we spent an hour and a half picking up disgusting stuffs left by lazy people. We found all kinds of paper, even an old math homework assignment-- we also found plastic bags, some metal stuffs and a lot of styrofoam pieces. Mom found a hubcap of a car and Dad found a weird pile of fresh cigarette butts in one spot (that was creepy).


Us three on the B section of Don Edwards SF Bay

I just stood along my parents and watched them clean up... they wouldn't let me touch anything. After helping Earth, we went to home and got ready for Aunty Cat's first photo gallery ever. It was super busy, crowded with flying hands and several kids running around. After hours of hanging out there, we went home again and I swam for over an hour. I stayed in the water with my cars.

Soo-- now the bump. I went for a walk and fell without a warning. I cried on and off and then was given Twizzler (yum!!) to sit still whilst Daddy and Mommy took turns putting cold cloth with ice over my owie. I watched Happy Feet, chewed on Twizzler and sat back to enjoy the overdone treatment of my Parents.


Dad presses ice cold cloth over my bump- I didn't like it but I took it in like a man.


Daddy holds me while Momma puts in Happy Feet.


Ow, huh??

Here are some other pictures from Aunty Cat's home-- I love to be silly sometimes by putting on a hat over my face and walk around pretending that I could not see.


Watch me Aunty Cat, I can walk around with the hat over my face.


See, I can walk around half blind!


Weeee, opps! I didn't see the sofa there.


Happy accident-- found a good book (Goodnight Moon) and stopped being silly to sit down and read.


Here are my big and pondering eyes-- one of Mama's reason why she loves me.

Finally, I'm growing up real fast, according to my Parents. Mom said I say the darnest thing (really, I don't know why she says that) because the other day it was windy in the car and I announced that the wind was bugging me. Mom rolled the windows up and left a little opening. It made weird noises so I told my Mom, "WIND CRY" I also sing with her and when she sings, "I really, really, really really, I really looovveee you oh yes I do!" I would say, "I do! I do! I do!" back to her. I also say "happy happy happy!" and point at myself then sign, "HAPPY".

Not just my language is picking up, I also am taller. I climb out of my Parent's bed when I'm done napping and I even can open or close doors. We also baby sat a baby named Giovanni. When he was here, I told him new signs by pointing at specific stuffed dolls and signed them.

Anyway, my Parents always act so surprised that I'm able to do these things-- I guess they underestimate my abilities, or babies' abilities in general!

Okay, I'm done talking and going to go and hit the sack. Til then, wrapping out with two last pictures.


Mom busted me sitting here all by myself, nearly scaring her out of her wits.


See, I can sit here and swing my legs all I want like a big boy!



At 6:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha i lovee the last two pictures!! spymaster goes quite well into the perspective. ouch, the bump looks nasty like that. i miss you eitan, we hung out alot this week didnt we?!

mwah mwah


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