g diapers, Hiking again and the fun in Hunting
Before I dive into photos- I am proud to announce that I am making this a Happy Planet by going "g". It's my diapers that I can proudly use without feeling guilty that my soiled disposables would be here longer than my great-great-great-great grand children. I don't want to get into details but please do check out this website-- www.gdiapers.com (sorry, you'll need to copy and paste it, I'm not up to hyper linking it).
Now, here are the pictures as promised-- enjoy!

Walking around in my "backyard"- I look cute wearing my g diapers.

g rocks.
I've become an expert in climbing-- observe:

Whoo hoo. Success!

I know my g looks bulky but then, what's wrong with a "bulky" crotch, if you know what I mean??

Altho it comes with a big butt-- Momma says it's the butt she wanna sink her teeth into.
We went hiking again yesterday at this beautiful trail at Pleasanton Ridge (thanks Karina for the suggestion!) and I loved every bit of it. Actually, I hurt myself at one tumbling fall but everything else was gorgeous! I even saw a wild turkey too!

Ooo I see hawks!

Being in the nature brings out the wild side of me, per se, mostly in my hairdo.

I was trying to chase a bug on a steep rocky hill and ended up tripping and sliding down the path and whacking my head on a rock (size of a tangerine). Ow huh? But Mom and Dad's kisses quickly soothed the pains.
Now onto Easter Hunt Glee...
When we arrived to my Grandparents home, I was immediately surprised with a basket filled with trans fat, processed, chemically refined sugar-- Peeps, Jelly Beans and Chocolate Whooper eggs-- Mom was filled with giddy happiness and said something about her being grateful that she had a baby so she could "eat all his junk."

"Is that my basket? Wowwww!" (See Mom's giddiness, good grief, it's surprising that she didn't have drool coming out of her mouth).

Running around because my cousins were doing the same thing. At first I wasn't sure what the heck was going on until I realized that all the plastic eggs we were supposed to find were filled with candies; I then ran around like crazy.

I also carried my own basket like a big boy would.

Trading baskets? Actually, I'm putting in my eggs into my basket while Mom's holding my cousin's, I had to clarify before one of you thought she was that giddy.

OOOO what's tis?

Chocolate kisses!! Woah dude!!

The chocolate is definitely a keeper.
I did get to eat some you know, Mom shared, and my favorite candy was the Whooper eggs.

I'm asking Mom for help because Jahren took my train but Mom said he was only trying to help.

Mom held me and wheeled the chair around and the next thing I know, she and I toppled onto the floor (Mom saved me). At first I was scared and started to cry when I saw Mama laying sprawled across the floor however, my fear dissipated when I saw my Mom laughing so hard and I started saying "UH OH!"
Well, that's that- let me sign out with one more picture of our hiking fun yesterday. We were supposed to go and hike today but it's raining and I don't have the right clothing gears. I sure don't want to freeze my butt off like I did the other day. Instead, we'll shop-- yay!

Beautiful view, isn't it?
That easter hunting looked like fun! I know what your mom mean abt being glad to have a baby so that she can eat all the junks. I feel the same way as your mom do :)
I bet you're going to be an avid hiker when you grow up. The view, wow so beautiful and GREEN. You see Eitan, there's almost no greens here in Tucson. But, there are many hiking trails around here and on the mountains. Maybe one day you, ur parents, Raine, and us will go hiking together? :-D
G Diapers rock! Eitan, your hair is growing so long! I love wispy baby hair because it's soooo cute! I bet your mommy is very happy that you are finally growing in hair! ;)
awww Eitan, I love your G diaper shorts. where did you get em?
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