Monday, June 09, 2008

Updating through pictures

Several people asked Ma when the heck was she gonna help me update my blog. Sorry people, things have been hectic lately. When Ma and I checked out blog's latest post, we were shocked to see it has almost been two months!

I do have pictures but nothing really exciting has been happening other than moving to another place soon, Mama getting bigger and Daddy being the best Daddy.

For a month sometimes after April, I was sick for awhile with goodness knows what. Medicine became our friend until we all agreed that it was probably making things worse. Finally, Ma and Pa stopped the meds and I was on the mend. So that "month" of tale is shot out of the window.


Rashes were my best friend in the month of May. Fever and painful poo too.



That didn't stop me from loving It's It Ice Cream :-D

Aunty Cat needed us to help her with her Final Exam on a photo themed "coolness". Mama is supposed to be the big pregnant woman dealing with three out of control kids yet maintaining a coolness.


The shot.


Practicing on my pouty face.


I'm good, huh?


My best pouty face by far but Ma missed it. Good thing it was captured into a Kodak moment.

Now one of the biggest news in our Kulchinsky-Cassidy household:


What's that? Yep. We're still on pending status.

Got a shot with me and Malvana for a change (not Jahren this time!):


I got the Cassidy's eyes and the Kulchinsky's mouth/cheeks :)

But in this picture:


I'm all Daddy!

The best part about going to school where Mom, Dad and Grandma (sometimes Aunty Cat) work as well as where Mally and Jahren go to is: I get to visit them at random moments that makes all of us happy.


Jahren's class had a bug day where they went around to fund raise money for bugs. I got to participate as if I was a 2nd grader. We stopped by Dad's and then Mom's classroom. Ma was swarmed by us bugs as she wrote a check to the 2nd grade bug fundraising event.

Here are some shots I think are cute of me and worthy to share:



I oughta be a model for Hanes t-shirt.




Swiped an old coffee cup in the trash and licked all the chocolate syrup in the bottom as quickly as I could before Aunty Cat busted me.


"EEEEEW!" Aunty Cat said, I'm just copying her.


I know you said "eew" but it sure tastes good.

Aunty Cat took me out for a ride through Niles Canyon Rd to Sunol. We stopped at some place and went out for a hike.


Lost in my own thoughts.


Embracing Man-Made junk and Mother Nature at the same time.


I'm signing "ILY!" as I'm hollering "U LUV YOOOOOOU"- when you yell into that thing, it echoes. Really cool.




Aunty Cat and I.


I love love this shot of the tree. Seriously, the trees here are unique and for some reason, gives out energy of tranquility.


Every morn I crawl into bed with Ma and cuddle with her. It's our special moment and after some cuddling and short chat, we both fall back asleep.


Playing with Grandma during Cousin Kortney's birthday last month.

Ma came home from work and I was telling her all about Jahren being a monster and we played that game all day.


"He has fire coming out of his eyes!"




Ma painted her belly and let me paint hers after she was done. Here is what I created:


Aren't the colors dashing?

Wait til you see what Dad did!


Isn't that awesome?!?

Soon my little brother or sister will be here- less than a month. It's so exciting and I keep telling the baby to wake up and come out!!

Until then and hope I update you much sooner than two months.

Eitan Lorcan