Wednesday, July 05, 2006

1/2 a year to go before I turn ONE!

Happy 4th of July! I got to see the fireworks after a baseball game at the stadium. There were lots of them and man, were they awesome?! I confess, at first I was momentarily stunned at the loud bangs and the bright lights. Methinks you could see the white of my eyes when I nearly popped them out in fun-feared-fascination.


I went there with all my cousins, which is the first time we've been together at the same time. My grandparents, aunts, uncles were there too. I think nearly everyone had so much fun with the baseball game and the fun fireworks. Daddy and Mommy held me most of the time:


Then my grandma, aunts and uncles took turn holding me. I could see my Ma hovering above their heads and making sure they don't drop me. She gotta relax sometimes!

Speaking of relaxation, she and my Nanny Cat went to a spa resort and brought me! Yay. Actually, I got to hang out with my Cousins, Daddy and Uncle Kurt while Mama was away. She did come back smelling funny and all. She explained about some farty smell that comes from the earth-- some kind of hot water called "geezyser" or something like that. At first I let my Ma know that I protested the smell but well, what can I say, her delicious milk beats all and I quickly relented. I even slept over at their fancy motel room (I slept real good, not even waking up once during the night).

We went to restaurants, coffee shops and walked around in a beautiful town. I think I wouldn't mind living there, everything was great. I attracted SO many attention with strangers who kept smiling at me after I yelled, gurgled and shrieked at them. I just love getting their reactions. Anyway, enough yabberings... picture time of a city called Calistoga.

Here's Dad, Ma and I in an Italian restaurant. I like this picture because you can't really see me, I'm blurry due to being super fast when trying to grab those shiny silver hard and cold thingy on the table. I also kept banging the table with my hands-- it's how I demand things to be brought to me. It doesn't work all the time, actually, it does the opposite!


Here I am between my Mama and Nanny Cat. It was right after their spa fun (smelly Mama) and nearly my bedtime. They both laid on the bed and kept me company by talking to me. I sure enjoyed them and my feet too!


The next morning, Mama was busy swimming, showering, cleaning and packing. Nanny Cat held me but finally, I told my Ma to quit being a bee and hold me. She took me and I wouldn't let go (see me hanging onto her towel with me dear life?):


Well, what do you know? My Mom's so good that she put me right to lala land


Then we went out for a walk in a cute quaint town called St. Helena, the spot where I got so much attention! Nanny Cat held me most of the time.


I peed a lot and Mama wanted to change me. We found this diaper station and my Mama and Nana kept laughing at the words on the station. I guess I found something that highly amuses them.


I think you get the picture of my day's fun. It ended with loud bangs of the fireworks and some patrotic American song.


All in all, the whole thing was worth the hours of riding in the car seat (which sucked by the way!).

I also had a fancy lady take pictures of me for my 1/2 year old pose. I still think Nanny Cat's pictures rock. Look and see, compare me at day 1 and 6 months old :)

6S0K8D0A4R_4lg1 Day Old

unknown-66 Months Old

I'm done for now just wanna say one more thing.... fireworks-- wheeeee!!

lil' elk


At 10:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey eitan and clare,
im sitting next to you two and the pictures with words are amazing together. eitan, what can i say? i LOVE you.

and yes, my pictures rock! lol

At 11:46 AM, Blogger Kate O. Breen said...

my goodness - i've never seen such an expressive baby. belated congrats, JK and clare! - kate b.


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